Well Holy Crap I can't believe I'm actually on here updating. For a sec, anyway. We made it to the 115 degree desert. We've been here for about a week and a half and are settling in. Love our apartment. It's super roomy and open.
I love that we have 2 bathrooms now and I don't trip over Addi's bath toys while I shower.
The pool is right off our balcony, and the nice thing is that they keep it really clean and there is hardly anyone ever there, so we get it pretty much to ourselves. The "Fitness Center" is atrocious. There is one treadmill, one eliptical, and two bikes. There are no free weights, just a crappy weight machine. So I'm stuck with Bob from the biggest loser or Paula Abdul from the 80's on my t.v.
Speaking of t.v., ours broke on the way here, but on the bright side a friend here had an old t.v. that they were giving to DI so we snatched it.
The weather is flippin HOTT. However, I am quite surprised that you do, indeed, get used to it. And I think I've sweated off 5 lbs.
Law School. Oh boy where to start. I'm quite nervous for Matt to start Monday. I feel so bad for him. We went to the Family Orientation last Saturday and I couldn't decide if I wanted to ball my eyes out or pack our bags and go back to our crappy jobs. No, just kidding. Really, it is going to suck for the first year, but it will only get better and it will be sooo worth it (at least that's what they say) Long Term Perspective are the words I tell myself everyday. :)
He already has so much homework to get done for the first day, crazy right? I think so. Good thing he loves school and enjoys reading. He always tells me if he could go to school for the rest of his life and get paid, he would. Good thing one of us enjoys it. :)
The first week was extremely rough. I'll be honest, it was probably as hard as the first part of my mission. (Which I never thought I'd say) I cried everyday. Bad.
Things are better. I'm actually starting to enjoy it. We like our ward so far.
I got a list of sisters from the ward who live in our complex and went and introduced myself to them.
I found 3 huge and oh-so-fun malls that are within 5-10 miles of where we live.
I have an amazing friend that I met not long ago that has been an angel to our family. Seriously, ANGEL.
I feel that I have grown so much closer to Heavenly Father and gained greater appreciation and understanding for the Atonement.
I feel that I've grown a TON, in just a week and a half. I know we will grow a heck of a lot more this first year, as it is said the first year is harder than the second and third combined (awesome).
So, in trying to be positive, these are some things I'm looking forward to:
I'm excited to get together with old friends here.
I'm excited to grow closer to Addi and spend all day with her.
I'm excited to start new projects and develop hidden talents (they must be completely hidden, because I can't seem to find them :)
Excited to get a calling and be involved in the ward.
Excited to meet new people.
I am even kinda excited to start to cook and try new recipes.
I am SUPER excited to get the first year of law school out of the way!
And I'm glad I have my sister to go through all of this with. Her husband is also starting Law School so we can get on the phone or skype and cry to each other in our closets, then walk out and put on a big old smile for our husbands.
Matt's parents are here with us now. I feel bad cuz Matt can't really spend time wiht them since he's prepping for the first day, but we've had fun anyway!
I'll post pics and updates on that later. My mom is awesome and bought a ticket to fly out here Monday to suffer with us the first week. j/k We're gonna Par-tay!
So that's my little update and I PROMISE I am going to update a ton more now that I'm a stay at home mama!
Asta Lasagna!
The 411
12 years ago
It sounds like they have you thoroughly scared out of your minds about school! Ugh. I'm glad things are starting to look a little more promising, though. We'll keep you guys in our prayers!
Yeah that hot weather is going to look extremely intiving in a few months. We love you guys and need to skype more!Keep up the great attitude; you guys will do great!
Im glad you made it there safe and sound! Good luck to you and Matt as you go through school! We are going to have to do better at updating our blogs so we can keep in touch! I already miss you at the salon-oh and we got a new owner, crazy! Make sure you call when you're in town so we can get together!
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