I have been getting so excited to have this baby! The first 20ish weeks just plain sucked. Now that I'm further along I can feel baby move and I actually feel pregnant, not just fluffy and chubby. And we're all three excited to find out what we'll be having in a few weeks. I can't wait to get everything ready and shop for the little bug!
My baby brother, Nate, got his mission call last week to the France, Lyon mission. From what people say it's a hard mission but he is one of the hardest workers I know so I know he'll do great. He's already taking a French class at BYU this semester and his new roommate just got back from that same mission so he's been talking to my brother about what to expect etc. Today he is going through the temple and I'm so excited for him. After he goes through today, every one of my family members will have gone through the temple. There are so many wonderful blessings there.
About a week ago we headed up to Temple Square with my parents, my sister and her baby to look around the Visitor's Centers and eat at the Lion House. Addi has loved playing with her cousins, and she loves to be a mom to Nixon.

Our Christmas parties are always a bunch of fun, and we had a lot of them this year.
Here's just a couple pics of Christmas morning at my parents.
Addi has been saying since October that she wanted a Barbie Cash Register. How easy is that? I love shopping for little kids cuz they just don't want a lot! She was happy with this one gift.

Aww presh. You FINALLY blogged. Sheesh. It's been so fun to have you guys in town. We're soooo sad you're leaving. And thank you for not posting any pics of Just Dance on here. Yikes.
When are you going back?? I am sorry I dropped out of our text conversation last week. I was so happy to hear from you but the kids needed me and I had to run. What else is new right? Lol.
If you are in town still, call me. Maybe we can find a time for a trim. I have been growing my hair out and I like it but it could use some shaping.
Miss you cute girl. Loves!
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